
Showing posts from January, 2023


      Sample Sentences: HERE ARE SOME IDEAS THAT WILL HELP YOU TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE POSITIVE SENTENCE. READ THESE AND PICK THESE IDEA DON'T COPY PASTE THESE SENTENCES. Chair -   He chaired the meeting.                    He is chairman.   Cup -  Pakistan won the world cup.                         I picked the crystal cup.   Snake -  Snake is a thriller.                        Snake is poisonous                         commandos eat snakes.   Lie -  Don’t lie.                         Be truthful.   Fail -   Efforts never fail.                 Hard work never fail                         He passed in A+ grade.  Swords -   Muslims had only few swords.                   Sword of Allah                         Sword is the weapon of brave.       Fear -   Fear is Force.                            Create Fear                                    Fear of Allah _-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-


New Changes in ISSB Test 2021 ACCORDING TO MY EXPERIENCE OF TWICE ISSB'S I FOUND CERTAIN CHANGES IN DIFFERENT TASKS. YOU MUST BE AWARE WITH THEM.THESE ARE GIVEN BELOW. BEFORE READING FOR MOTIVATION COMMENT PLEASE 🥰 •) Psychologist Interview will not be held. But still 10 to 15 candidates from a group will be interviewed by the Psychologist.  Perhaps these will be those candidates about whom Psychologist wants to confirm his findings. •) Final Group Task will not be held. •) Form Filling details have been changed.  In form filling, in place of unforgettable incidence and self description etc, Candidate will be required to write an Essay, consisting of 120 to 150 words in 20 minutes. Essay given to first batch of 2021 (1-5 Jan) was "Definition of Successful Life or Definition of Success".  Last page of the forms and its back side is given blank for writing the Essay. •) Now you will have to speak English during every indoor and outdoor task and Interview. •) A new test SRT


    WORD ASSOCIATION TEST  - Tips and Advice WAT STAND FOR WORD ASSOCIATION TEST.IT,S FIRST TEST TAKEN BY THE PSYCHOLOGIST AT ISSB. TOTAL 100 WORDS AND 1O SECONDS FOR 1 WORD. MOST IMPORTANT TEST THAT DESCRIBES THE THINKING ABILITY OF A CANDIDATE. TIPS : 1. A word is displayed on screen for 10 seconds. Candidate is required to make a sentence. Than next word appears and similarly about 100 words are displayed. 2. Keep following in mind while making sentences: a. Don’t think that 10 second is small time. It is enough. If you are clear headed you will not miss a single word. b. Make very short sentences except few. c. You must be able to complete the sentence in 8 seconds. d. Don not bother much about grammar, spelling etc but still try to remain accurate. e. Try to complete all sentences. f. Try to make positive sense sentences with better handwriting. g. Make reference to Heroes, historical events, good events of Pakistan like world cup victory, heroes, in 15 to 20% sentences